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Unlock Your Potential: 5 Steps to Transform Your Life Today!

Cover Image for Unlock Your Potential: 5 Steps to Transform Your Life Today!

This is a post on self development.

I will go through why you should care about self development and what steps you can take to kick start your self development journey.

Now if you are thinking - well why would I be bothered about self development?

Here is why

1. You can become a better version of yourself.

2. You can learn to love yourself more.

3. You always have goals to work towards.

4. you can document your process to see how far you have come.

5. You can trick yourself into doing things you once thought were impossible.

6. You can build your self worth.

7. You can inspire others.

8. You will be loved for it.

9. Working on self development can also lower your risk of depression and anxiety.

There is many more!

Keep reading and I will also show you some golden nuggets of activating beast mode for motivation that we live by.

So what is self development? some people call it levelling up, self improvement, building worth but most know it as self development.

Self development is the process of changing yourself and changing yourself for your higher good.

So take an average guy who spent most of his days drinking alcohol playing video games, failed school and got into the routine of thinking he is doomed, and now this guy he mainly just plays video games with his kids but if he was to have a gaming session on his own he could easily manage his time.

He barely drinks anymore, on Xmas or a family BBQ he will have a few.

He is not bound by drink and drugs like he once was.

He is always striving to become a better man then he was the day before.

He is always open to learning new ways of being efficient.

He is documenting his process to find what his weak skills are and building them skills.

He is thinking of others before himself.

He has his own principles he stands by.

He sticks to his word.

Many of you work on delf development but you just don't know it.

for instance say you are learning to play an instrument you are developing your skills by attending class and practicing.

If you are learning a skill for your job or taking a course you are working on self development.

If your reading books to expand your knowledge then you are also working on self development.

However learning a skill is one part of it but to become complete you should be learning many skills and stacking them, you should also be working on your own goals and living by your principles.

Learning how to deal with stress is another good skill to develop as many or us do face stress on a daily basis so learning to adapt and be calm in stressful situations is a must.

People say you should not dwell on the past and yes this is true but in order to know if your on the right path you have to visit the past in your head a few times to remember what you did in certain situations that you are not proud of and break the cycle and act in a much better way.

We all have negatives like for a period of time I was a moody guy in the morning and sometimes I would snap at my partner if she was to bombard me with questions and I really hated the fact I was like that.

Luckily she did not take it to heart and she never ran away from me but just realising how I am being gave me such a dreadful feeling like I really need to change this.

So I starting implementing a few thing to stop that.

1. I would start drinking more water before I had gone to sleep.

2. I would meditate before sleep.

3. Soon as I wake 1 would spend one minute being grateful of everything I have.

4. I would force myself to smile in the morning.

Now if my partner bombards be with loads of questions when I wake I am calm but I'm still not functioning properly, so I tell he I'm going to grab a coffee to wake myself then I will answer all of your questions and just by me giving her a nice response like that she is happy with that because I've not just had a go at her, I've not ignored her I have let her know that I have heard and my response will follow.

We all have goals we wish to achieve being a great family member, a great athlete, a great musician, whatever your goals are you still need to work on your own life development.

This is for all you people that wish to become famous too! you see the interviews great actors and actresses have and the amount of charisma they posses, how they stay calm in dealing with press or public interviews.

Take for instance Ryan Reynolds and yes many of us know this handsome fella but we do not just admire him for his good looks or his work but we also admire him for how he is with the public and interviews, how he carry's himself, how he makes us laugh and doesn't put himself on a pedal stool.

You can tell 100% that Ryan Reynolds has worked on self development a lot! but self development is not until you get famous or until someone likes you, personal development is a life time practice.

Working out | exercise is a great way to activate self development, it can not only start you on the path of good habit stacking but also it will make you feel so much better and going for a workout everyday of every other day acts like a mini victory and the couple of months follow when you have abs or when you look wham! we call that a big victory.

Every time you stack mini victories add up to one big victory.

If your a home based workout person then here is a few items that will help you start you can find these on amazon.

πŸ‘‰ JOROTO MD35 Adjustable Weight Bench πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ FitBeast Pull Up Bar for Doorway πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ 7-IN-1 Ab Roller Wheel Set πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Sunny Health & Fitness Mini Stepper πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Resistance Bands Set πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Yoga Mat – Multi-Purpose Extra Thick πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Dumbbells and Barbell 10/20/40KG πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Hexagon Dumbbell Free Hand Weight Set 12KG πŸ‘ˆ

Here are the 5 steps you can take today to start your personal development journey.

1. Think of who you would like to become, what characteristics would you like to have? what kind of person would you like to be?

2. Plan how you are going to get there, will you set yourself a 6 month target? how many of these skills will you practice each day? what skills would you learn?

3. Work on discipline, give yourself your word and do not break it, set yourself a target of 100%.

4. Document, document your process, weekly or monthly in a notepad or on your phone, test yourself and see how much you have improved.

5. Motivate yourself, push yourself forward even when you feel like there is no hope, find that drive the thing that activates you and use that

Now why document? well you need to document your progress to see if your going the right way, to see if you have made much progress.

Take for instance people who go to the gym, they take monthly photos to see how much they have increased their muscular build since the last photo, many people document by video recording themself perhaps by singing, dancing, acting, sports and then they asses how they have done and what needs to change.

How do I motivate myself when I have no hope? many people you meet in your life they are on their own journey so they most likely are not going to be cheering you on or motivating you to succeed.

You ultimately are the only person who cares and is responsible for how your life will turn out, so it is 100% up to you to push yourself harder at the gym, force yourself to go for a run or jog when your legs feel like jelly, you have to be the one to force yourself to attend extra dance classes to nail that dance you have been practicing, and many other professions.

If you are serious about personal development here is a few books i have read that will inspire you you can find these on amazon.

πŸ‘‰ Mind Over Mood πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Changing Your Mindset For Good πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ The Self-Love Workbook πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Unf..c k Yourself πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ The Power Of Self Discipline πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ The 48 Laws Of Power πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰ Dale Carnegie Collection πŸ‘ˆ

The golden nuggets of how you can activate beast mode.

Anger - Think of what makes you angry and use that anger to motivate yourself to go beast mode.

Regret - Think of how you would feel if you did not get your targets done and give up while someone else achieved theirs, opportunities passed you by because you gave up.

This one I call the death bed method - how do you wish to feel on your death bed? silly question as most of us will most likely feel awful, however would you feel happy that you have achieved a lot and have left behind hope for others to continue the path of enlighten or would you be sad because you gave up?

Think of everyday as your last day this is a mindset shift.

Remember you are never too young, too old, too smart or too stupid to start working on yourself and become the person you deserve to be.


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