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Boost Your Confidence Today: 5 Simple Steps to Start Now

Cover Image for Boost Your Confidence Today: 5 Simple Steps to Start Now

Practical Tips to Build Self-Confidence and Embrace Your True Potential Read More...

So why would you want or need to be more confident?

Because there is many things we would love to do but confidence or the lack of confidence is holding us back.

Sometimes fear is good because it makes us be more aware of the dangers of doing certain things, however sometimes we just need to kick fear to the curb.

Would you like to be able to walk into a room and not feel anxious and shy but to indeed feel so confident that you do not even need to speak to have confidence radiating off you and for others to see how confident you are?

Would you love to have to confidence to speak to anyone about anything?

Would you like to be invited to more events and gatherings to expand on your confidence skills?


I am going to make a bold claim that after reading this post you will feel so much more confident in your mindset, your appearance, how you view yourself, your physique and much more!

This is not only for the people to wish to start becoming more confident but also for the people who would like to expand their knowledge in becoming more confident.

So let's begin ⬇️

Step 1 - Don't talk more then you need to.

So let me elaborate, there is a misconception that in order to seem confident many people think you must be the loudest in the group or the loudest in the room, but this in fact goes against you and your plans now why?

Because being the loudest person or the person who always has so much more to say then they need to screams insecure to many people and it also screams needy and you are going about like you need validation from everyone, perhaps this is because you want to be the centre of attention but you are not realising there is better ways to go about this.

Also the fact that many people may get annoyed if you are always being loud and talking too much.

I once had a friend who was just like that and people just stopped inviting him out and when they was asked why the response that was given was - "He is too loud and annoying".

Another reason why you should not talk more then you have to is because if you start telling everyone your plans to do A, B, C and you do not follow through you will end up feeling rubbish about not getting it one and you will then without realising start judging yourself and making assumptions of what others are thinking and that my friend will also help your mental health become worse.

It is nice when we have someone we can share a few ideas with but do people really need to know everything?

I know this kid and whenever he gets a girlfriend he tells them everything, like his whole life story and that's not good.

What happens if they have a bad break up? she could then use everything he said against him.

Step 2 - Give something to others.

Now it is no secret that giving to others will make us feel a whole lot happier in ourselves thus increasing our confidence.

How do you feel when you give a family member a present they have always wanted you feel happy when seeing their face light up.

The same when you give a homeless person some food.

May even be volunteering work that makes you feel good.

But when we help others we are not thinking of ourselves but we get instant gratification from that.

We are not acting to receive a reward but rather a feeling that is so powerful the feeling is love, there is no feeling that overpowers love.

If you are unable to donate money there are other donations you could make this being ⬇️

Donating Blood.

Donating Food.

Donating Hair.

Donating Clothes.

Donating Unwanted items.

If you cannot donate anything then offer to help someone.

Being ⬇️

Offering to do someone's shopping.

Offering to help someone fix up their garden.

Offering to wash someone's cars.

Offering to help someone grow their business.

Offering to pet sit for someone.

I would include babysitting in this but these days there is documents babysitters need and by right.

There are many many forms of helping people.

If you cannot help somebody for whatever reason, perhaps they don't need help, or you don't have much free time, or your confidence is not yet at that level then there are other ways to help others feel happy.

This is complementing.

So as your doing your daily quests you could just complement someone on their style, or their smile, their hair or anything that you think they would appreciate.

You don't have to go super into detail as just by saying something as simple as - "Excuse me I just wanted to say I love those shoes" or - "That hat looks great on you" will be enough, however you could also chain on to that and say something like - "Wow your hair is lush where did you get it done?" This is great because just giving someone a compliment like that will have them walking off with a huge smile on their face and that my friends is priceless.

We never know what people are going through, that person you complimented might of had a breakup or something bad happen to them and you have just made their day.

The question that follows is not a must but it can indeed help you work on your confidence in talking skills and what's more you have a chance to make a new friend.

Step 3 - Learning or increasing your knowledge.

I will list a few books here⬇️

👉 The little Book Of Stoicism 👈

👉 How to be an extrovert 👈

👉 You are a badass 👈

👉 The zen monkey and the lotus flower 👈

👉 The little book of confidence 👈

I will list a some lovely confidence quote gifts you must get for someone who is struggling with confidence trust me they will thank you⬇️

👉 Bee inspirational keyring 👈

👉 Inspirational I am cushion 👈

👉 Positive Tomato 👈

👉 50 Inspirational quotes in capsules 👈

👉 Affirmation Cards 👈

Now we have all heard that saying knowledge is power but it will only turn to power if you can utilise and practice what you have learnt.

Wen we learn something new we feel great! and yes the more knowledge you have to give the more valuable you are.

So learning about business, business ideas, different skills you can use to help people.

Just like I said in my video many people are sick of their nine to five grind and are trying to start their own business so learning skills that you can help them would be a good place to start.

I recommend learning digital skills as most of the population are online more of the time now and there are so many businesses online and many business owners trying to build an online presence.

So learning subjects like ⬇️

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation


Paid Advertisements.

Web development.

Digital Art.

Digital Music.

Digital Marketing as a whole.

Remember though if they are start-ups they most likely will not have much money so focusing on skills that you can get them more business without them paying you is like gold for them.

I recommend SEO, Copywriting, Gorilla Marketing, for the best results for no money.

I will list some free and paid recourses here ⬇️

Buffer (Free trial)

Reed free courses

YouTube Adam Erhart

YouTube cereal entrepreneur

Aside from that then learning in general like trending news, trends, tv shows, celebrities, well pretty much anything as when you have knowledge on topics people are more likely to want to hear your opinions on topics.

However you must not forget to work on your self development learning.

Which can vary depending on what your skills are now and where your goals are at.

Step 4 - Exercise or Fitness.

If you are a returning reader or follower then you will know how much and why we speak of exercise and the benefits it possesses.

In case you are new to this blog then exercise is proven to make u feel good and do wonders for our endorphins.

When you exercise or workout your not just building muscles, you are working on self love, self discipline, stacking good habits, making your joints and bones stronger, pushing past limits, channelling different emotions and fitness is proven to help you sleep and help with memory, help with focus.

Not to mention that when you take your monthly or yearly photos you will be able to see the difference in your body, your skin, your muscle density and that will make you feel better and more confident when you look at yourself in the mirror and you can see you have a wham body.

People will also complement you too on your physique.

There is a whole lot more on this topic just look at my other posts and you will see a whole lot more information on what fitness can do for you.

Step 5 - Work on your appearance.

This could be like buying a new pair of shoes, or jeans.

A misconception is that a man should wear a suit and a woman should wear a dress if they wish to be taken seriously and feel confident.

This is wrong. Yes having a nice fitted suit if you are a man or having a beautiful dress if you are a woman will indeed make you feel so confident and amazing you are not bound to this way of thinking.

I advise you to wear anything that you feel comfy in , it could be a tracksuit or combat trousers or anything you can move freely.

For most of us we do not have the luxury of buying £300 suits or £300 dresses but whatever you choose to wear then hold your head up high and own that style nothing screams confidence more then someone who is wearing their comfiest clothes and are not worried or bound by what other people say or think.

You could also go as simple as getting a haircut, a beard trim or for you ladies getting pampered, getting waxed or even getting your nails done is something simple but yet so effective.

You will feel a whole lot more confident and what happens when someone complements you then you feel even better.

I mean let's face it we all love getting complements right.

The other day I was working my shift at Costa Coffee and a woman came in and he looked like she had the day form hell, spoke to me with a bit of an attitude, I smiled and noticed her nails were recently done and I said "excuse me I just want to say I love your nails they are so refreshing to look at" and she had then started smiling and I made a silly joke like "ah I want my nails just like that, I may start growing mine out" and she laughed and he looked more happier and she even complemented me on my coffee before she left.

Now I know this can be daunting to change appearance if your confidence is low and you don't want to feel like you are in a spotlight.

So the idea is to start small change something as little as possible this will help your confidence and when your confidence gets more higher you could then start changing more about your appearance.

Bonus tip -

Ask you friend what they like about you and what qualities do they think you have - you might be surprised of their response.

You friend is your friend for a reason and if they think you did not have any qualities then would they be your friend?

Ask you family members what qualities you have - We always see ourselves in a different light then what our family members do and you family members know a lot as they are with you everyday.

Ask you partner what qualities you have they also see us in a different light to what we do.

Your partner is honest he or she will tell you what qualities you possess and what you could do better with yes they are not afraid to be brutal with truth but this is a good thing.

So there you have it 5 steps you take take away today to book your confidence.


You are never too old, too young, too smart or too stupid to work on yourself.

L - Listen

I - Implement

M - Meditate

I - Improve

T - Take your time

L - Learn

E - Exercise

S - Speak to your subconscious

S - Start now

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