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9 Reasons Why You Should Exercise

Cover Image for 9 Reasons Why You Should Exercise

So we all have heard the expression a healthy body is a healthy mind, and all the books we heave read on the greatest motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins or David Goggins, they stress the importance of working out and staying as fit as you can be now why is that?

So Paired with good nutrition, we know physical activity is a key factor in maintaining mental wellbeing. But what is it about exercise that directly benefits our mental health?

When we exercise, blood flow and nerve connections increase to our brain, and our brain stimulates happy chemicals like endorphins and serotonin.

So here is a list of 9 Reasons why you should exercise

1. You will build Discipline

Now you might be thinking how can exercise help me build discipline? and as that is a good question and I shall now answer that.

So if you start exercising everyday you will build the habit. Making it part of your everyday life without even realising it. And this is great as having strong discipline will help you in many areas of your life.

2. You will adopt great habits

So by making exercise a part of your everyday life you will end up building more good habits on the side, such as making sure you are eating great food like fruit veg, sources of protein, making sure you set some time aside to cook proper food for yourself and in some cases bulk cooking.

Making sure you are washing or bathing regularly, making sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking more water, consuming less sugar or takeaway foods. And this we call stacking compound habits so just by sticking to being disciplined in one skillset will gain you more skillsets.

3. You will gain more confidence

Now just by working out regularly you will feel more alert and have a sense of inner power, knowing that you have kept your word to yourself and you have stayed consistent in your exercising will boost your sense of accomplishment. Not to mention people like your friends, family, co-workers will see a change in your attitude and they will also see that you are getting buff or even looking more slim.

4. You will sleep better

Yes it is true! if you are exercising regularly you will find it a whole lot more easier to seep at night. This is a good method for people who suffer with insomnia too! When I had insomnia I had tried everything like drinking milk, listening to music, listening to boring podcasts and nothing seemed to work.

However I then started exercising everyday 3 hours before I go to sleep, then when my head hits the pillow before I've even finished the guided meditation I'm fast asleep.

5. You become more aware for yourself

Now what do I mean by this?

Well you have gone from a person who once said I am always working and I never have time to exercise, or I am too tired after work to exercise or I'm just too fat or unhealthy there is no point in working out.

To I feel great as I have changed my life, I have stayed disciplined, I have more confidence and I feel strong and fit, not to mention I look so HOT!

Now you have realised you can achieve anything.

Maybe its the fact you did not give up, or perhaps it is because you only managed to do say 10 push ups last week and this week you have done 30 with ease.

6. You will lower stress and anxiety

Now the most common thing that triggers anxiety is stress and yes we know stress is unavertable. We will always have a point in our life when we are stressed BUT what if we changed our thinking from I need to get rid of stress to I need to learn how to use stress.

Now you might be thinking huh? ChilledCat what are you on? But no really there was days when id be so stressed working at the coffee shop and id keep all the stress in and when I would get home I would put on some music, grab the weights and I would use that stress to workout.

Then boom! I am stress relieved and I got a killer workout done.

But back to the matter at hand working out will lower stress and in return will lower the chance of anxiety.

7. You will be more happier

Yes that's right as it says at the top of this page you will feel more happier, higher mood, higher endorphins, hydrated, well rested, confident, low stress, low blood pressure, clear headed and these are all the things we have already covered.

And being in a happy state, being at our peak is where we need to be for our friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances but most importantly ourselves.

8. You will have increased and improved memory

So every time you work out you have to keep track of your progress.

Like how many steps or reps you did, how many calories did you burn, how much water did you drink, how much calories do you need in your food today? and we could keep going but what I am trying to say is each time we have to remember and think we are tapping into our brain muscle memory thus increasing your memory and improving it too.

You could then try to workout with say Japanese pod 101 on Alexa and learn Japanese while you workout or any other skill.

Why not? Make it a Habit.

Imagine this scenario Your friend or co-worker says to you hey me and a few of us are going for a drink later what will you be doing? and your reply will be "well I have a free two hour window later and in that time I am going to be doing my cardio while learning how to speak Spanish". I mean how cool does that sound? yeah I can see you nodding your head and smiling :)

9. You will get stronger

Exercise builds up your bone and muscle strength, which makes you stronger in terms of being able to pick up heavier things with less strain, but also in the sense of making you more resilient. That means you'll be able to fight off certain injuries and illnesses, especially as you get older.

So keeping in good shape is very important not only for your present self but also your future self.

So there You have it 9 reasons why you should exercise.

It all begins with one thought and winning many little victory's add up to one huge victory.

You can do anything Just believe in yourself

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